What are the essential tools and materials for starting pressed flower art as a hobby?

Pressed flower art is a beautiful and delicate craft that has been enjoyed by many for centuries. It involves preserving flowers and leaves by pressing them between heavy books or using a flower press, and then using these dried specimens to create unique and intricate designs. If you are interested in starting pressed flower art as a hobby, it is essential to know what tools and materials you will need to get started.

The first and most important tool for pressed flower art is a flower press. This can be purchased from craft stores or online, and comes in various sizes and shapes. A flower press is used to flatten and dry the flowers and leaves, preserving their natural beauty. Other essential tools include a pair of tweezers for handling delicate specimens, a pair of scissors for trimming stems and leaves, and a glue stick or adhesive for attaching the flowers to paper or other surfaces.

In addition to tools, there are several materials that are essential for pressed flower art. These include acid-free paper or cardstock for mounting the flowers, as well as a protective spray or sealant to prevent fading and damage. It is also important to choose flowers and leaves that are suitable for pressing, such as those with flat surfaces and sturdy stems. With the right tools and materials, anyone can start creating beautiful pressed flower art as a hobby.

Essential Materials

Pressed flower art is a beautiful and delicate craft that requires specific tools and materials to create stunning pieces. Here are the essential materials needed to start pressed flower art as a hobby:

Flowers and Foliage

The first and most important material for pressed flower art is, of course, the flowers and foliage themselves. It is important to select flowers and foliage that are fresh and in good condition. Some popular flowers for pressed flower art include pansies, daisies, and roses. It is also essential to choose flowers and foliage that are flat and not too thick, as thicker flowers may not press well.

Pressing Tools

To press flowers and foliage, you will need a flower press. There are many different types of flower presses available, including wooden presses, microwave presses, and hydraulic presses. It is important to choose a press that suits your needs and budget. You will also need blotting paper or absorbent paper to place between the flowers and foliage for pressing.

Paper and Cardstock

Once your flowers and foliage are pressed, you will need paper and cardstock to create your art. It is important to choose acid-free paper and cardstock to prevent yellowing and deterioration over time. You can choose from a range of colours and textures to create unique and beautiful pieces.


Finally, you will need adhesives to attach your pressed flowers and foliage to your paper and cardstock. It is important to choose an adhesive that is acid-free and will not damage your artwork over time. Some popular adhesives for pressed flower art include double-sided tape, glue dots, and spray adhesive.

Overall, these essential materials will get you started on your pressed flower art journey. With a little practice and experimentation, you can create stunning and unique pieces that will be treasured for years to come.

Choosing the Right Flowers

When starting with pressed flower art, choosing the right flowers is crucial to ensure the final product looks stunning. Here are a few things to consider when selecting flowers for your project:

Seasonal Varieties

It’s important to choose seasonal flowers as they are more readily available, and therefore easier to source. This also ensures that the flowers you choose are at their peak, making them easier to press and retain their colour. Some popular seasonal flowers include daisies, pansies, and marigolds in spring and summer, while autumn and winter offer cosmos, chrysanthemums, and pansies.

Colour Retention

When choosing flowers, it’s important to consider their ability to retain their colour. Some flowers, such as pansies and violets, are known for their excellent colour retention, while others, like roses and daisies, tend to fade quickly. It’s best to choose flowers that have vibrant colours and can maintain their hues even after pressing.

Petal Thickness

The thickness of the flower petals is another important factor to consider. Thicker petals tend to hold their shape better during the pressing process, while thinner petals can become too fragile and break apart. Flowers with thicker petals, such as pansies and violets, are ideal for pressed flower art.

By considering these factors, you can choose the right flowers for your pressed flower art project and create beautiful, long-lasting pieces.

Pressing Techniques

Pressed flower art requires the use of pressing techniques to preserve the flowers. There are different techniques available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the three most common pressing techniques:

Traditional Pressing

Traditional pressing is the most common technique used for pressing flowers. The flowers are placed between sheets of absorbent paper and pressed between heavy books. The paper used should be acid-free to prevent the flowers from yellowing. The books should be heavy enough to apply even pressure to the flowers. The flowers should be left to dry for several weeks, depending on the thickness of the flowers.

Microwave Pressing

Microwave pressing is a quick and easy technique for pressing flowers. The flowers are placed between two sheets of absorbent paper and then placed in the microwave for a few seconds. The microwave dries the flowers quickly, preserving their colours. This technique should be used with caution as the flowers can easily overheat and burn.

Book Pressing

Book pressing is similar to traditional pressing, but instead of using heavy books, a flower press is used. A flower press is a device that applies even pressure to the flowers, allowing them to dry quickly and evenly. Flower presses are available in different sizes and can be used to press multiple flowers at once.

Overall, the pressing technique used will depend on personal preference and the type of flowers being pressed. It is important to experiment with different techniques to find the one that works best for you.

Design and Composition

When it comes to pressed flower art, design and composition play a crucial role in creating a visually appealing piece. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Layout Planning

Before starting a project, it’s important to plan out the layout of the flowers. This involves deciding on the placement of each flower and leaf, as well as the overall composition of the piece. One approach is to create a rough sketch of the design before starting to press the flowers.

Colour Schemes

Colour is an essential element of any pressed flower art piece. When planning the colour scheme, consider the colours of the flowers being used and how they will complement each other. It’s also important to think about the background colour and how it will interact with the flowers.

Texture Considerations

In addition to colour, texture is another important aspect of pressed flower art. The texture of each flower and leaf can add depth and interest to the piece. Consider using a variety of textures, such as smooth petals and rough leaves, to create a dynamic composition.

Overall, careful planning and attention to design and composition are essential for creating beautiful pressed flower art. By considering layout, colour schemes, and texture, hobbyists can create unique and visually stunning pieces.

Tip: Try experimenting with different layouts and colour schemes to find what works best for each project.

Preservation Methods

Preserving pressed flowers is important to ensure that they maintain their shape, colour and texture for a long time. There are several methods that can be used to preserve pressed flowers, and they are discussed in detail below.


Sealants are used to protect pressed flowers from moisture, dust and other elements that could cause them to deteriorate. There are several types of sealants that can be used, including hairspray, clear nail polish, and acrylic spray. Hairspray is a popular choice because it is easy to find and inexpensive. However, it is not a permanent solution and may yellow over time. Clear nail polish is another option, but it can be difficult to apply evenly. Acrylic spray is the most effective sealant, but it can be expensive.

UV Protection

UV light can cause pressed flowers to fade and lose their colour. To protect them from UV light, it is important to store them in a dark place, such as a drawer or cupboard. If they are going to be displayed, it is recommended to use UV-protective glass or a UV-blocking spray. UV-blocking sprays are available in craft stores and can be applied to the surface of the pressed flowers.

Humidity Control

Humidity can cause pressed flowers to become damp and mouldy. To prevent this, it is important to store them in a dry place. Silica gel packets can be used to absorb any moisture that may be present. It is also important to avoid touching the flowers with bare hands, as the oils from the skin can cause them to deteriorate.

In conclusion, preserving pressed flowers is essential to ensure that they maintain their beauty for a long time. By using sealants, UV protection and humidity control, pressed flower art can be enjoyed for years to come.

Framing and Display

Frame Selection

Choosing the right frame for pressed flower art is important to showcase the beauty of the artwork. The frame should complement the colours and texture of the flowers. It is recommended to use a frame with a depth of at least 1 inch to accommodate the thickness of the artwork. Wooden frames are a popular choice as they provide a natural and rustic look. However, metal frames can also be used to give a modern and sleek appearance.

Mounting Techniques

Mounting the pressed flowers in the frame can be done in several ways. One popular method is to use acid-free adhesive to attach the flowers to a backing board. This ensures that the flowers do not move or shift within the frame. Alternatively, the flowers can be mounted on a piece of glass, which gives a floating effect and allows for the texture of the flowers to be fully appreciated.

Hanging and Placement

Once the artwork is framed, it is important to consider the placement and hanging of the piece. It is recommended to avoid hanging the artwork in direct sunlight as this can cause the colours to fade over time. Instead, choose a location that is well-lit but away from direct sunlight. When hanging the artwork, ensure that the frame is level and secure on the wall. Consider grouping multiple pieces of pressed flower art together to create a cohesive display.

Overall, selecting the right frame, mounting technique, and placement can enhance the beauty and longevity of pressed flower art.

Tools Maintenance

Cleaning Presses

Keeping flower presses clean is essential for maintaining the quality of pressed flowers. To clean the press, gently wipe the surface with a damp cloth or sponge. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the press.

For deep cleaning, disassemble the press and soak the parts in warm soapy water for a few minutes. Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub off any dirt or debris. Rinse the parts thoroughly with clean water and dry them completely before reassembling the press.

Sharpening Cutters

Sharp cutters are crucial for cutting flowers cleanly and precisely. Dull cutters can damage the flowers and make them look unappealing. To sharpen cutters, use a sharpening stone or a honing rod.

Hold the cutter at a 20-degree angle and run it along the stone or rod, applying light pressure. Repeat the process on the other side of the cutter. Test the sharpness by cutting a piece of paper. If the cutter still feels dull, repeat the process until it is sharp enough.

Storing Adhesives

Proper storage of adhesives is essential for preventing them from drying out or becoming unusable. Store adhesives in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Make sure the cap is tightly closed after each use to prevent air from entering the container. If the adhesive has become too thick, add a few drops of water to thin it out. Avoid adding too much water as it can affect the adhesive’s strength and durability.

By following these simple maintenance tips, hobbyists can ensure that their tools are always in good condition and ready for use.

Creative Applications

Pressed flower art can be used in a variety of creative applications. Here are a few ideas to get started:

Greeting Cards

Using pressed flowers to create greeting cards is a popular application of this art form. The cards can be made by gluing pressed flowers onto cardstock or other paper. The flowers can be arranged in different patterns or designs to create a unique look. Adding a personal message to the card can make it even more special.


Pressed flower bookmarks are another popular application of this art form. They can be made by gluing pressed flowers onto a strip of cardstock or other paper. The flowers can be arranged in different patterns or designs to create a unique look. Adding a tassel or ribbon to the bookmark can make it even more attractive.

Wall Art

Pressed flower art can also be used to create beautiful wall art. The flowers can be arranged in a pattern or design and then framed. The framed art can be hung on a wall to add a pop of colour and natural beauty to any room.

In conclusion, pressed flower art can be used in a variety of creative applications. Whether it’s making greeting cards, bookmarks, or wall art, there are endless possibilities for this art form. With the right tools and materials, anyone can start creating beautiful pressed flower art as a hobby.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Pressed flower art is a delicate and intricate hobby that requires attention to detail and care. However, even with the best efforts, issues may arise. Here are some common problems that may occur during the process of pressed flower art and how to troubleshoot them.

Flower Discolouration

One of the most common issues that may occur during the process of pressed flower art is flower discolouration. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including exposure to sunlight, humidity, or improper handling.

To prevent this issue, it is essential to handle the flowers with care and keep them away from direct sunlight. Additionally, it is recommended to use a flower press that has a ventilation system to prevent humidity from building up.

If discolouration has already occurred, there are a few ways to salvage the flowers. One method is to use a bleach solution to remove the discolouration. However, this should be done with caution and only on white or light-coloured flowers. Another option is to embrace the discolouration and use it as a unique aspect of the artwork.

Mould Prevention

Another common issue that may occur during the process of pressed flower art is mould growth. This can happen due to excess moisture in the flowers or press, which can lead to the growth of mould.

To prevent this issue, it is essential to ensure that the flowers are completely dry before pressing them. Additionally, it is recommended to use a flower press that has a ventilation system to prevent moisture buildup.

If mould growth has already occurred, it is recommended to discard the affected flowers and clean the press thoroughly before continuing with the process.

Pressed Flower Damage

Pressed flower art requires delicate handling, and it is common for flowers to get damaged during the process. This can happen due to improper handling, over-pressing, or using too much pressure.

To prevent this issue, it is essential to handle the flowers with care and use the appropriate pressure and time for each type of flower. Additionally, it is recommended to use a flower press that has a pressure gauge to ensure that the appropriate pressure is being applied.

If pressed flower damage has already occurred, it is recommended to use the damaged flowers as accents in the artwork or discard them altogether.

Community and Resources

Online Forums

Joining online forums is a great way to connect with other pressed flower artists, share tips and tricks, and get inspiration for your next project. The following forums are highly recommended:

  • The Flower Pressing Forum: This forum has a community of pressed flower artists from all over the world. Members share their artwork, techniques, and experiences with one another.
  • The Pressed Flower Society Forum: This forum is specifically dedicated to pressed flower art. Members discuss various topics related to the art form, including pressing techniques, framing, and preservation.

Workshops and Classes

Attending workshops and classes is an excellent way to learn the basics of pressed flower art and improve your skills. The following workshops and classes are recommended:

  • The Flower Pressing Workshop: This workshop is ideal for beginners who want to learn the basics of pressed flower art. Participants learn about the different types of flowers that can be used, pressing techniques, and how to create beautiful designs.
  • The Advanced Pressed Flower Art Class: This class is designed for more experienced pressed flower artists who want to take their skills to the next level. Participants learn advanced techniques, such as layering and embossing, and how to create more complex designs.

Books and Guides

There are many books and guides available that provide information on pressed flower art. The following books and guides are recommended:

  • The Complete Guide to Pressed Flower Art: This comprehensive guide covers everything from selecting flowers to framing finished pieces. It includes step-by-step instructions and full-color photographs.
  • The Art of Pressed Flowers and Leaves: This book is a great resource for those who want to learn about the history of pressed flower art. It includes information on the different techniques used throughout history, as well as tips for creating your own designs.

Sustainable Practices

Ethical Sourcing

When starting pressed flower art as a hobby, it is important to consider where your materials come from. Ethical sourcing ensures that the plants used in your art are harvested in a way that does not harm the environment or exploit workers. Look for suppliers who have transparent sourcing policies and support fair trade practices.

Recycled Materials

Using recycled materials in your pressed flower art is a great way to reduce your environmental impact. Look for paper products made from recycled materials, such as old newspapers or magazines, to use as a background for your art. You can also repurpose old frames or containers to display your finished pieces.

Waste Reduction

To reduce waste in your pressed flower art practice, consider using every part of the plant. For example, you can use the stems and leaves of flowers to create interesting textures and patterns in your art. You can also compost any leftover plant material to reduce your environmental impact.

By incorporating sustainable practices into your pressed flower art hobby, you can create beautiful pieces while also minimising your impact on the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which basic tools are required to begin creating pressed flower artworks?

To start creating pressed flower art, one must have a few basic tools, including a flower press, scissors, tweezers, and glue. A flower press is used to flatten and dry flowers, while scissors and tweezers are used to handle the delicate flowers. Glue is used to affix the pressed flowers to paper or other surfaces.

What are the essential materials for a novice to start pressing flowers?

The essential materials for a novice to start pressing flowers include blotting paper, cardboard, and a flower press. Blotting paper is used to absorb moisture from the flowers, while cardboard provides a firm surface to press the flowers onto. A flower press is used to apply pressure to the flowers, which flattens and dries them.

How can one effectively press flowers at home for artistic purposes?

To effectively press flowers at home for artistic purposes, one should start by selecting fresh flowers and removing any excess moisture from them. The flowers should then be placed between layers of blotting paper and cardboard and pressed in a flower press for several weeks. Once the flowers are dried and flattened, they can be used for artistic purposes.

Could you suggest a starter kit for someone interested in pressed flower craft?

A starter kit for pressed flower craft should include a flower press, scissors, tweezers, glue, blotting paper, and cardboard. Some kits may also include a guidebook or instructional materials to help beginners get started.

What is the best method for a beginner to press and preserve flowers?

The best method for a beginner to press and preserve flowers is to start by selecting fresh flowers and removing any excess moisture from them. The flowers should then be placed between layers of blotting paper and cardboard and pressed in a flower press for several weeks. Once the flowers are dried and flattened, they can be stored in a dry, cool place to preserve them.

Are there specific types of flowers that are more suitable for pressing by beginners?

Some flowers are more suitable for pressing by beginners than others. Flat flowers, such as pansies and daisies, are easier to press than flowers with a lot of depth, such as roses. It is also important to select flowers that are not too thick or too moist, as these may not dry properly during the pressing process.


Starting pressed flower art as a hobby requires a few essential tools and materials. These include a flower press, blotting paper, a pair of scissors, tweezers, glue, and a frame or cardstock to display the finished artwork.

It is important to choose a flower press that is sturdy and durable, as well as one that is the appropriate size for the flowers being pressed. Blotting paper should be acid-free to prevent damage to the flowers over time. A pair of scissors with a sharp blade is necessary for cutting the flowers, while tweezers can be used to carefully handle delicate petals.

When it comes to glue, a clear-drying adhesive is preferred to avoid any unsightly marks or residue on the artwork. Additionally, choosing a frame or cardstock that complements the colours of the pressed flowers can enhance the overall aesthetic of the piece.

While there are certainly other tools and materials that can be used in pressed flower art, these essentials are a great starting point for anyone looking to explore this beautiful and creative hobby. With a bit of practice and experimentation, anyone can create stunning pieces of art using pressed flowers.

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